Working, working, working…why is computer work so time consuming? Blah…
I’m attempting to make this website prettier and easier to get around. New pages for all my jewelry and creations. New pages for my portfolio and all my cute clients. Updated event page so you know where to find me. Please take a tour around and see what you think.
It’s been about 18 months since I made the plunge into a vegan diet. Not because I have an emotional attachment to animals, although I do on some level, and not necessarily to help save the planet, which I do think needs all the help it can get, but I did it for health reasons (menopause is no joke) and how it made me feel. That’s not to say, even though they all knew the reasons, that my family thought I’d lost it. (you can see how excited Paul is)
All they could see was a life without bacon or hamburgers, no more steak on the grill or sausage sandwiches, and oh geez…no eggs! When I tried a two week trial vegan diet out for size on the entire family it lasted about ten days before my son came to me in tears. “Mom…(sniff, sniff) do you remember (tears, sniff, sniff) when you used to cook with meat?” True. True story.
What! No bacon??!
So you have to come to grips with the fact that you live with a bunch of carnivores. How does that work if you don’t eat animal products and you do all the cooking, grocery shopping, etc.? One could say very carefully…but really it just takes creativity and extra hands when you have to deal with things you don’t want to deal with. Like cut up chicken for the gang and not touch it…you designate one of the carnivores.
Martinis are vegan!
Meals are planned (most of the time) so everyone can have what they like and I am not driven absolutely mad by cooking like a crazy diner chef. Things like mexican style spicy hamburger alongside a pan of black beans made with the same ingredients minus the obvious. Or Jerk chicken…again substituting beans for the bird stuff but using all the same ingredients in both.
Even Tyler likes vegan.
There are times that the whole family eats vegan. Do they always know it? No. Too many things are pretty good replicas so there’s no need to spill the beans (so to speak). Once I committed to this I found some great resources with recipes that work for all of us.
Samosa Style Potatoes
Let me share some. Maybe you’ll give it a try…
My absolute favorite and go to recipes are from Isa Chandra Moskowitz
Now we happen to LOVE Indian cuisine and this gal translates all your favorites into vegan yumminess. I have this on my IPad because I cook from it so often.
There are many more that I’ve come to love and rely on. Next time let’s talk about baking. Sweet stuff…everybody’s favorite!
If you try any of these let me know what you think!
One of the things that keeps me from this blog is always some kind of decision. What should I talk about? What will anyone be interested in reading? How much should I show? Maybe a peek, a tutorial, a personal look at something? This goes on for long enough, and enough decisions are made on everything else, that I never get into the blog at all. Anybody else have this problem?
Then there’s always the “to do” list. Finish designing the stuff on my desk, prep for this weekend’s show, run errands, get change at the bank, order supplies, fill out your calendar, re-arrange your desk, mail out your orders, check social media, schedule social media, delete 900 e-mails, try to put out a newsletter, do tomorrow’s to do list, etc, etc, etc…
Then there’s the family “to do” list…collect all the laundry, call the Doctor, cook breakfast, go grocery shopping, wash the dog, advise child #1, clean the bathroom, wash the car, take a shower, drop the kids at sports, call your Mother, sweep the floor, wash the other dog…ad nauseum..
Gigantic bears at Costco
…you get the picture. More decisions. On everything.
But do you see “write on the blog” anywhere? Blog doesn’t show up, does it?
Not first…or in the middle…or at the end. Too many decisions and I can’t decide where to put it.
Sooo….time to make one more decision…what the hell am I finally doing here? Well…I guess I decided it was long enough. That I needed to try this again.
For how long and how often? No clue and I don’t know.
What will I bring my self to write about? Well…art…creativity…daily life stuff…basically I will be winging it and post things that tickle my fancy dependent on what day it is.
…has it really been that long? Eleven months? Yikes…
A lot of folks must be wondering what the heck happened to her? I also took a three month hiatus from social media…so some are shaking their heads.
Who are you?
Well…honestly, even though my intention to get in her to write are good ones, I often feel like I have nothing of any substance to say. Or some topic peeks my interest and time or family or something keeps from writing even two words.
Eleven months!? I can’t believe it…but I do.
Let me do a little refresher…yes I am still here!!
My goofy son
Yes my son is amazed its been eleven months also. Family time has been priority around here and the summer was spent all four of us. Lunch and dinner together just about everyday.
I’m still working up some crazy art and wearable stuff. Doing a lot of sewing but will have jewelry this fall.
So I’m not truly MIA…just taking a break…for eleven months. LOL.
Am I the only one that has moments when the creative muse takes a vacation? When you don’t feel creative…what do you do?
This is a topic that seems to raise it’s head when I’m the busiest. I have tons to do but can’t seem to rid myself of the cobwebs long enough to get through it. Well…when I don’t feel creative here’s my top 6 fixes I put into action to try to coax my muse around.
1. I clean. Believe me when I say cleaning is not my favorite thing but wandering around the studio, organizing, and picking things up always seems to loosen up the creative spirit. Not only does it help clear the cobwebs but IÂ always seem to find things I had forgotten I had. And those things seem to sneak into my next creations!
2. Pull out the sketch books and doodle. Draw anything…straight lines, stick figures, swirls…anything and everything! Just put pen or pencil to paper and see what manifests itself. I draw whatever comes to mind and pay no attention to whether it is “art” or not. Just the simple putting pen to paper allows me to feel more creative.
3. Take a break…go eat something, have tea or coffee maybe a glass of water or take a handful of vitamins. Just be for a few minutes.
4. This goes along with taking a break but do something goofy with your family. Go lighten up and be free with comedy! Laugh lots and then laugh some more. Play cards, dig out a board game…watch a silly movie. I promise being crazily happy with laughter will take your mind off things and your muse will crawl back without you noticing.
5. Find your creative peeps and do something together! Lean on your tribe for support when you can’t find your own muse…maybe one of theirs will pop over and let you borrow some ideas!
6. Sleep it off until the next day. Sometimes all you need is a good nights sleep and all things appear new again.
Be kind to yourself. Â Those moments of “stuck” never hang out for long. That muse will come running back.
A bit about me…Welcome to the land of wearable toys! I make the weird and wonderful thematic jewelry that is Charming Trinkets. Beyond the creative I have a fabulous family that spends a lot of time together, eats an awful lot, and plays a lot of cards! We have two furry family members that act like children and we wouldn't be a home without them.
So glad you stopped by!
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Aren’t I cute? I was about 6.
Please note that if there is an in person show banner above then most shop items are travelling! Check back the following week to see what survived! Dismiss