Forgotten Words…


Today’s task was to write up a short 100 word bio about my self for our Ice® Resin Team…not an easy task! But I found something that I had forgotten about completely and it’s pretty funny (at least to me!) Not even sure what or who I wrote this for and it may very well be on my old blog…not sure.

But, in either case, here it is again…

Quirks and the Divine (Divine Quirks..?)

My husband was quick to jump into this!

  1. Known only to one other is the fact that I have an innate aversion to the tiny leftover bits of just about anything. I will leave the last dregs of the toothpaste, the last half ounce of mouth wash, a food leftover, and sometimes even the last bite on my plate. Weird, huh?
  2. My family thinks I have kitchen OCD (technically shouldn’t it be CDO…alphabetical would be better). It makes me crazy if the pots aren’t hung on the rack just right, tools aren’t in the same places in the drawer, or the dishwasher isn’t loaded the way I would load it. I take it all apart and put whatever it is back together the “right” way then I can breathe again. And this doesn’t bother me anywhere but the in the kitchen…(okay, so if the toilet paper is upside down I turn it over…are you a paper under or a paper over person?)
  3. My children were quick to point out that I always want to watch the same TV show or movie…all the time! Let’s see…I’ve watched the latest Star Trek movie about 20 times, the first Alien movie several dozen times, I’m on my 10th or 11th go around on the Tudor series, and I’m hopelessly addicted to Downton Abbey. Every time they come into the room with me they can tell just by about ten seconds of sound what is on my screen. I like the familiarity of it, is that bad?
  4. No matter what time I need to get up I set my alarm clock between 15 and 30 minutes before that time. In the just waking up state of mind I can trick myself into thinking I’m going to be late if I don’t get up when the alarm goes off and if, in my morning haze, I hit the snooze button once I’m still on time! My husband thinks this is just plain madness. “You can still read the time on the clock!” Yes….but it’s psychological trickery for the gal who hates mornings. Nuts, maybe?! Does it work for me? Yes! Every time!


Live everyday like the devil is chasing you! I believe that life is short and each day is precious. You need to find your path to be happy, laugh, love, and deeply live your life to the fullest. You only get one chance at it. If you don’t like your current path then change it…mold it, wrangle it, work at it until you can say you’re pleased with it. Don’t blame your unhappiness on others…you choose! You get to make your life passionate and happy! Now go blaze your trail!!



Did you miss me??

What has everyone been up to? It’s only been a year since I was here last…ha! Where have I been? What have I been doing whilst my blog sits unattended? Well, a little it of this…Circus Braceletand a bit of this…(very little)

Asleep in the Studioand followed this guy around…

Bull Terrier Snout
Goofiest dog on the planet

and lived through this one turning 12….

Don’t ask..

and had this one following me around…




and this guy is also getting goofy (goofier?)

What do you do for your kids?

made a new book bag for her…


and drank alot of this…dark green swamp juice!

IMG_4954I’m still here! Oh, and I bought one of these. My collection is growing!



I promise to be back sooner than this last time…like maybe tomorrow with some surprises!






Us with big heads

A bit of artistic license with the picture!

Thought it might be fun to start off by introducing the family. since they are integral to me getting anything accomplished it is a good thing to put them first! (but don’t tell them, it’ll go to their heads…ha!)
Back row, starting from the left is my Dad, then Mom, my husband and myself. Front row left, my son Paul and my daughter AdaLee. This was a piece I collages a couple of years ago and is missing one of our dogs. The pooch here is Tyler the wonder dog He’s the goofiest animal we’ve ever known. You can see more of him on my Tumblr page.
These are the people I live for each and everyday.

 Here we are again a bit more recent.
You’ll be seeing more of these people!

Until next time,
